Thursday, January 27, 2022

Here is the link to Dave's funeral. 
I had to watch it to see who all came. 
I am sorry if I didn't get to greet all of you.
I was overwhelmed by all of the support and the people who came.
The funeral was beautiful.  
The music was exactly what Dave would want. 
Courtney swears she could hear Dave's voice singing the exit song - Saving Grace - the song he wrote.  

I miss him.
It comes in waves.
I am trying to figure out who I am without Dave. 

When he was still alive I remember asking him if there was anything I should be doing after he passes. Is there anything I should do to honor him - his legacy.  he was pretty sick by then and didn't answer my question?
If you were at the funeral or watched the video.  The phrase that he derived joy by giving joy to others may need to be the way I can honor his legacy.  By deriving my joy by giving joy to others.  

Many people have encouraged me to keep writing these posts.  I do them for my own therapy and it seems other people have seen some value in it too.  It doesn't feel right to be doing it on Caring Bridge anymore but I need to clean up and set up my web page so I will do that soon and post the link here. 

Tonight I am tired.  Tomorrow is a new day.

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