Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Power of &

The power of &

I am in a bit of an identity crisis.

When you get laid off and are unemployed you have a hard time answering questions. "What do you do?" used to be an easy question to answer. "I am the Respect Life Coordinator at the Archdiocese." It was a nice little box and easy to fit into.

Now I am not sure what to say.  I am unemployed, but that does not define who I am or what I do.

A few years ago I started writing regularly for the Catholic Spirit.  I remember getting my first paycheck for writing.  The pay from freelance writing is nothing I can pay the mortgage with, but I felt I could at least say out loud - "I am a writer!" but even now I feel like a fraud saying it. It doesn't seem legitimate unless it comes with an insurance package and a 401k.

Brene Brown - One of my favorite authors speaks of this in her book "The Gifts of Imperfection.  In it she talks about how people are afraid to claim their work.  She relays speaking to  the woman she purchased jewelry from online.  She asked her how long she had been a jeweler. The woman brushed it off and said. "I wish. I am a CPA. I'm not a real jeweler."  Brene encourages people to see themselves as more than their title from the job they get paid at. Of course she is a real jewelry maker. She was wearing the earrings she made!  The author uses slashes when describing this claiming.  Writer/plumber, singer/lawyer, teacher/playwright, etc., but I like to use an ampersand and have come to believe in the power of &. 

After reading her book I started trying to refer to myself as a Freelance Writer & Respect Life Coordinator. It has taken me a while to feel comfortable in it and it still occasionally feels like I can't claim it unless the majority of my salary comes from it. 

In looking for new employment, one needs to assess what you did for your previous work and revamp it to showcase what you can do for a potential employer.  So instead of identifying with the title of my last job I need to focus on my skills.  It was then I really found the power of &. 

I am an author & activist & teacher & communications and marketing specialist & event planer & visionary & manager & counselor & retreat leader & spiritual mentor & evangelist & ... I am also a mother & wife & child of God & friend.

I have always liked that little symbol.  Sitting right above the 7. Lucky seven maybe. We should use it more!

Challenge for today.  

Try on an & in your life.  See how many you can string together and own all the &'s in your life and career.  Maybe I need to add Ampersand Motivator to my list of &'s. 


  1. & MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOVE YOU!! Shar dog.

