that it is Sunday, what a better day to talk about prayer. First of all,
thanks to everyone who have offered prayers for me during this
need them and keep em coming!
know that as a person who worked for the church you may think that prayer would
be where I would turn to first, but as by first blog post says, my natural
tendency is to turn to wallowing. (Please don't discount the value of wallowing
- it is necessary!) But prayer is something I need to be reminded to
turn to in my dark times.
want to share with you a portion of an e-mail I received from Jeff Cavins - (He
is a generous man in his praise, help and prayers - I hope it is ok to share
wrote to me:
would encourage you to keep your eyes on the Lord, especially in the next two
weeks. I think he has something special for you and it just might be the case
that he released you from Marriage & Family for something even greater.
Isn't He good? I also want to share with you a devotion that has blessed me, as
I've been where you are. I’m reminded of Gen 22 when Isaac was bound up
and about to be sacrificed. He didn't ask for it, want it or expect that his
life would end up like this. He was able to endure and accept the binding
because his eyes were on his Father. Keep your eyes on your heavenly father!
You can go through anything.
I would
encourage you to take some time to sit before the Lord and thank Him for this
move in your life. Open yourself up to Him completely, the best is ahead. You
are a good woman with a great story. You are a beautiful daughter of God. You
are so unique that God brags about you and says, “look at this one!!!” God is
going to use you."
others are praying for me and receiving encouraging words are so helpful in
these times. I NEED these reminders to "keep my eyes on my heavenly
I love
scripture and know that God talks to me through it. That is...when I take time
to listen! Today's entrance antiphon at Mass was: Thus
says the Lord: "I know the plans I have for you, plans for peace and not
for affliction. You will call upon me and I will hear you, and I will bring you
back from every land where you have been held captive."
I see a
pattern here - now to believe it!
I have
been known to say that I would rather read a book about the Rosary than
actually do it. That being a given... I would rather
write or talk about prayer then do it! I've spent
the last 5 plus years working for the church and during that time I
found that it was the most difficult time for me to commune with
God. I've spent 50 hours a week working for the church like Martha (Luke
10:38) - now like Mary. I need to spend some time at his feet.
am recommitting to take 10 plus 2 plus family - a
mantra put forth by my pastor a few years ago. Here is what it means:
Take 10 -
(at least) minutes of prayer a day.
2 - That is 2 hours with the Lord a week- One hour at Mass and 1 hour at
the Adoration Chapel.
Family - Pray together as a family.
Part of
the reason I am blogging is to be held accountable. So here you
go - I said it out loud in black and white (or on this page red and white!). Now I have
to actually do it!
Note to those who may not know - when Jeff refers to releasing me from Marriage and Family he means the office I worked for at the Archdiocese - Not my marriage and family!!!!! I would hate to have anyone be confused by that!